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New York

Amenia, New York

Saturday, Oct. 25th, 2008

Program: Smart Discipline for Parents

Sponsor: Maplebrook School

Location: Maplebrook School

Time:      10:OO a.m. to 12 noon

For info or to register:  845-373-9511

Presented by:  Dr. Dale Hancock


N. Tonawanda, New York

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Program: Smart Discipline for Parents

Sponsor: St. Paul Lutheran Church

Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church

Time:       6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

For info or to register:   716-692-3255

Cost:  $10 per person   $18 per couple  $15 per person at door

Free Childcare provided with preregistration

Presented by: Dr. Dale Hancock