
Happily Married for a Lifetime | Smart Discipline for Parents | Smart Discipline for the Classroom


Happily Married for a Lifetime

(Click here for PDF of Flyer)

A seminar filled with wise and valuable information on how you can build and sustain a happy marriage.

Here's what you'll learn:

  1. The four big mistakes couples make when trying to communicate--and how to correct them so both you and your partner feel wonderfully loved and understood
  2. How to share laughter and delight with your mate
  3. Absolutely-the best thing to do if your spouse is in a bad mood
  4. What to do if you are the only one who wants to work on the relationship-three strategies that get results
  5. The problems that typically crop up during peak divorce years-and how to get through them happily
  6. The common-held myth that can torpedo your marriage
  7. Why love goes into hiding-and how to find it when it does
  8. How to keep romance alive-and rekindle it when it wanes
  9. Two ways to dramatically improve your marriage-immediately
  10. What every couple must do to stay "happily married for a lifetime"

To get the Happily Married for a Lifetime Flyer Click Here